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At a glance...

Once the CRJ is unpacked you will be introduced with:

The aircraft itself (CRJ-700 Regional Airliner ver.)

The aircraft HUD (CRJ HUD ver.)

Flight Manual

Flight Checklist

Aircraft Livery Appliers

Aircraft Operating Textures

Step By Step...

Lets start fresh, First off the HUD!

As you can see there is a lot to play around with but we are going to break it down from left to right.

HIDE: toggles your HUD (when HUD is hidden, button will say "Show")

From left to right:

Master Warning: Indicates if there is a problem with aircraft (Planned for update)

Master Caution: Indicates if there is a problem with flight (Planned for update)

Stall: Indicates if plane is in a stall

Pull up/Grnd Prox: Indicates if you are too low (Planned for update)

Eng. Fire Push: indicates if aircraft has an engine fire (push to extinguish) (Planned for update)


Artificial Horizon: displays your MFD (Main function display) (See the "Displays" section of manual)

Menu: brings up a "Boot" menu which allows you to unit any unwanted passengers

GPS: displays your GPS window (see the "Displays" section of the manual)

Lights: Displays your "Lights" switches (See the "Displays section of the manual)

Engines: Displays your "Engine" Button Panel (See the "Displays section of the manual)

Wheel Brake: Toggles aircraft parking brakes (Light On: brake armed/ Light Off: Brake Off)

Spoilers: Toggles aircraft spoilers (Up: Retracted/ Down: Extended)


       -Green: Up (Retracted

       -Yellow: Takeoff (Half)

       -Red: Down (full)

Gear: Toggles your gear (Up: Retracted/Down: Extended)

Engine Status: Displays your engine display (See the "Displays" section of the manual


Repeat of the left side warnings


The displays you find on the aircraft WILL be on the HUD as well.

The HUD however, does have a few extra displays that will be discussed.

Aircraft/Hud displays

The MFD or Main Function display (Artificial Horizon on your HUD) is the display which shows you your orientation in flight.



Airspeed indicator: Shows you your aircraft's current speed in knots



Altitude indicator: Shows your aircrafts current altitude in meters



Vertical Speed Indicator: Shows you your rate of climb or descent



Heading indicator: shows you your direction of flight

The GPS Window is a new system in some aircraft that allows you to see a live feed of your aircrafts position in second life. This tool comes complete with loads of features that we will discuss (note that once your aircraft is rezzed, it is registered (Via tail number) and is projected on a GPS system, available to all pilots as a tool. Click here for the live GPS radar page.

Starting front top to bottom, Left to right:

IDENT: Means it is currently making your radar blip enhanced

XPDR 1200 ALT: this is your current transponder setting: 1200 alt: Alt is altitude encoding

So others can see your location AND altitude

XPDR: Allows you to set your transponder code

FPL: Allows you to set up a flight plan

Des: Allows you to set up your "Designation": Flight number, Plane type (name) etc.


Back: Jumps back to the main window

VFR: Snaps to 1200

0-9: lets you select your code

CRL: Clears the selection

No alt: Makes it so your transponder just shows position no altitude

Alt: makes it so your transponder shows both your position and altitude

Overlays come as pretty self-explanatory

Checking an options allows you to show statuses on the GPS windows

Flight designation allows you to set your aircraft:

Type: Type of model

Tail#: your N number as it appears on your tail

Flight #: for role-play and airline flights

And your pilot

This is your flight plan window

Simply it already sets your point of origin

You are to set your destination and waypoints if you’d like then hit activate to make it active.

When you arrive at your destination, close your flight plan so it resets

As a flight plan is set you will get your Ground speed, Distance to target

And estimated time till arrival

Powr: Throttle in %


N1: Compressor stage one (for Simulation Purposes)


N2: Compressor stage two (for Simulation Purposes)


Gear Ext: Shows that your gear is extended


Flaps Ext: Shows that your flaps are extended (blank: up/ yellow: half/ red: Down)


Spoilers Ext: Shows that your spoilers are extended

Compass: points your direction of flight

Artificial Horizon Backup

Extra on the HUD

The left window is your lights settings: refer to the checklist for the proper order to set up the lights

the right window is your ignition switches which startand stop the plane

In the passenger cabin. The seatbelt and no smoking switches DO activate the appropriate lights


The passengers have the option of using the screen web browser for whatever they like. Note we are not responsible for what is displayed on these screens. Beware.


Time to fly!

And now it’s time to fly! What we are going to cover are basic controls and letter commands

NOTE: the shift commands REQUIRE the gestures that come with the aircraft to be active.



s - starts/stops both engines simultaneously   

   s1 - Starts/Stops Engine 1 (Left engine)   

   s2 - Starts/Stops Engine 2 (Right engine)


Moving Surfaces:


g - Extend/Retracts Gear

f - Extends Flaps incrementally

fu - Retracts Flaps incrementally

sp - Extends/Retracts Spoilers

br - Toggle Wheel Brakes

pb - Activates Push Back (Braking deactivates it)




beacon - Toggles Beacon Lights (Red flashing)

nl - Toggles Nav Lights (Red: left wing/ Green: Right wing/ White: Tail)

strobe - Toggles strobe and wingtip lights (Tail/wingtips strobe lights)

logo - Toggles logo lights (Spot lights on vertical stabilizer)

ll - Toggles Landing lights (HEADLIGHTS!!!)

taxi - Toggles Taxi Lights (Nose wheel light)

cabin - Toggles Cabin Lights (Passenger section lights)

cockpit - Toggles Cockpit Dome Light (Cockpit flood light)

panel - Toggles Panel lights (Lights for your displays)

seatbelt - Toggles Seatbelt Sign (*Ding*)

smoking - Toggles Smoking Sign (*Ding*)



kick - kicks co-pilot

manifest - Brings up manifest page (Check Manifest section below)


This is not a replica checklist and should not/never be used for the CRJ-700 in real life. This is Simply an RP checklist you can tie in with your hud buttons for Roleplay purposes

(Don't think i should even be warning you guys about this but im sure it made some of you giggle >.>)





Rez Checklist:

Aircraft: Rezzed

HUD: Attached

All buttons at default position (Off)

Walk around: Start from Main Left Door and walk aircraft counter clockwise checking:

-Main Door (unobstructed by surrounding environment)

-Front Cargo Door (unobstructed by surrounding environment)


    *Left Landing Light Visible and clear and off

    *Slats unobstructed and undamaged

    *Left NAV (Red) and Strobe Lights visible and clear and off

    *Left Aileron Unobstructed and clear

    *Left Outer Flap Unobstructed and clear

    *Left Inner Flap Unobstructed and clear

-Rear Cargo Door (unobstructed by surrounding environment)

-Left Engine

    *Tail Number set (Make sure that numbers are in fact being displayed)

    *No Leaks

    *Clear of debris

    *Reverser (unobstructed by environment)


    *APU exhaust unclogged

    *Vertical Stabilizer and rudder unobstructed and clear

    *Horizontal Stabilizer and elevators unobstructed and clear

-Right Engine

    *Tail Number set (Make sure that numbers are in fact being displayed)

    *No Leaks

    *Clear of debris

    *Reverser (unobstructed by environment)


    *Right Inner Flap Unobstructed and clear

    *Right Outer Flap Unobstructed and clear

    *Right Aileron Unobstructed and clear

    *Right NAV (Green) and Strobe Lights visible and clear and off

    *Slats unobstructed and undamaged

    *Right Landing Light Visible and clear and off.


-Right Emergency door (unobstructed by surrounding environment)


    *clear of debris

    *overhead escape clear of obstruction

Main door: Checklist complete...


Start Checklist:

Pilot: Seated

Seat height adjusted properly.

Co-Pilot (if available): Seated

Seat height adjusted properly.

Hud Link CRJ <==> Hud: Established

Beacon Light: On

Cabin Light: On

Panel Light (If needed): On

Cockpit Flood Light (If Needed): On

Fasten Seatbelt Sign: On

No Smoking Sign: On for duration of flight

Passengers (if available): Boarded and Seated

All Doors: Shut and locked

Engine 1 Ignition: On

Engine 2 Ignition: On

Verify Engine output (N1/N2 in green): Check

NAV Lights: On

Taxi Lights: On

Landing Lights: On

Strobe Lights: On

Wingtip Lights: On

Logo Lights (If Needed): On

Start Checklist Complete...


Taxi Checklist

Cabin Lights: Off

Wheel/Parking Brake: Released (If not already)

Throttle: Between 5%-30% (30% to start rolling)

Taxi Speed: 15-30 Knots

Flaps: Set for takeoff (One notch down)

Trim: Set to +20 for Takeoff

Taxi Checklist complete


Takeoff Checklist

Lined up with centerline: Check

Throttle: 100% Check

V1: 130 Knots

Rotation speed: 190 Knots

Rotate: 5-10 degrees positive

V2: 200 Knots

Establish Positive Rate: Check

Takeoff checklist complete


After Takeoff Checklist

Gear: Up

Flaps: Up (After reaching 50 meters)

Climb Throttle: 65%-100%

Climb Speed: +200 Knots

Climb Angle: 5-10 degrees

After Takeoff Checklist Complete


Cruise Checklist

Throttle: Set to 45%-55%

Trim: Set to hold altitude

Fasten Seatbelt Sign: Off

Taxi Light: Off

Landing Light: Off (Only after reaching 300+ meters)

Cruise Checklist complete


Decent Checklist

Fasten Seatbelt Sign: On

Landing Light: On (Only after descending below 300 Meters)

Throttle 0-50%

Flaps: set to takeoff position (One Notch Down if going on approach)

Decent Checklist Complete


Approach checklist

Cabin: Prepared for landing

Trim: Set to 0

Flaps: Set to full (One Notch Down if set to take-off)

Gear: Down and locked

Pitch:2-3 degrees nose down


Spoilers: Extended Just Before Touchdown

Throttle: Brought to 50% while spoilers extended

Approach speed: 190-210 Knots

Touchdown Speed: 195 Knots

Approach Checklist complete...


After Landing Checklist:

Taxi Lights: On

Flaps: Up (After Leaving Runway)

Spoilers: Retracted (After Leaving Runway)

Taxi Throttle: 0%-30%

Taxi Speed: 15 - 30 Knots


Shutdown/Parking Checklist:

Parking/Wheel Break: Armed and Locked

Logo Lights:Off

NAV Lights: Off

Wingtip Lights: Off

Strobe Lights: Off

Landing Lights: Off

Taxi Lights: Off

Cabin Lights: On

Ignition Engine 1: Off

Ignition Engine 2: Off

Beacon Lights: Off

Verify shutdown (N1/N2): Check

Main Door: Unlocked and Opened

Fasten Seatbelt Sign: Off

Cargo Doors: Open (if needed)

Passengers: Exiting/Exited

Shutdown/Parking Checklist Complete


After Passenger Exit Checklist

Cabin Lights: Off

Panel Lights: Off (If Turned on)

Cockpit Flood Lights: Off (if Turned on)

No Smoking Sign: Off

Co-Pilot: Stand/Exit (If Needed)

Pilot: Stand/Exit (If Needed)

Doors: Shut and Locked

After Passenger Exit Checklist Complete




Go-Around/Missed Approach Checklist

Throttle: Max

Pitch: 5-10 Degrees Nose up

Flaps: Up

Gear: Up

Return to Decent Checklist once re-established for decent to approach to airport

Go-Around/Missed Approach Checklist Complete


Total Engine Failure (Fuel Exhaustion or Mechanical Failure)

Ignition Engine 1: Off

Ignition Engine 2: Off

Refer to Decent/Approach Checklist. Allow extra airspeed on approach than what recommended (Pitch Controls Airspeed)

Total Engine Failure Checklist complete


Structural Failure Checklist

Identify Structural Failure: Check

Can you still Fly?

    *Yes: Refer to decent/approach checklists

    *No: Continue this Checklist

Realize You're Doomed: Check

Lie to your passengers: Tell them the plane is supposed to be doing this

Restrain yourself from screaming like a 5 year old school girl (God forbid they find your black-box)

Kiss your butt goodbye


Husky Aviation

Laminar Systems

Have any questions or suggestions? Message kev barony! Video tutorials coming soon

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