& Forbidden Industries
HC-01 HoverDart
HC-01 Hoverdart
So a little bit of context here. This is an original design. I was given a challenge: 5 hours. 5 hours is what I had to come up with an
idea, a plan, draw up a scheme for something build, uv map and texture that idea. 5 hours from conception to SL upload and what
you see before you is what came about! Not too bad if I say so myself and I certainly hope you agree!
The challenge was then passed on to ZoraSlade Karu of ZSK to script this device as quickly as possible! over a span of a few
hours broken between a few days (4-5 hours of contentious script work if that!) He coded something with one premise and
one request: Make. It. Fun. What he came up with was something simple and fun. Something you can race across the grid
that sim crosses with ease. Transitions between water and land without so much as flinching and make it so that you can share with
your friends easily!
We do hope you love this speed project and hope to make more of them! Leave your feedback with us, or online we do listen
and do try to address bugs or concerns where we can. Enjoy the ride and thank you for your purchase
This craft is a co-production between Husky Aviation (Kev Barony/Gunshot Tearfall) and ZSK Simulations (ZoraSlade Karu)
Visual model and textures - secondlife:///app/agent/35bde557-341f-4929-87a7-5c8567c698b5/about
Physics and Scripts - secondlife:///app/agent/7b0a74df-fb6a-41dd-8dbb-550cef106f86/about
The package includes:
HC-01 Hoverdart (hovercraft itself)
HC-01 Hoverdart Handbook
Modify and Copy
Textures are available via link provided at the bottom of this notecard
Click based color changer
Guest mode
7 Prims/ 22 Land impact
Up Arrow/W : Forwards
Down Arrow/S : Backwards
Left Arrow/A : Turn left
Right Arrow/D : Turn Right
Pdgup/E + Up Arrow/W : Boost
Click the hovercraft to access:
Color change menu.
Will tint the hovercraft whatever color you select in the menu. If you'd like to add your own textures be sure to tint the craft white before applying them.
Guest mode
Will allow anyone to pilot craft
For more information and texture maps please visit
Special thanks to:
Lilly Yallock
Seb Serenity
Tank Kwaszes
Atosuria Daviau
For their support, input, testing and contributions to this project.