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 Drop and go!

So you just got your bird and you want to get right up in the air?


Rez out the RAH-66 Comanche or the NC version! you'll be all set once it appears, just right click your bird, and then click "Pilot"



You will then find yourself sitting in your aircraft ready to fly!

Lets Get Airborn!

You will need your hud to follow this Manual. If you choose not to use it, the text commands are included in the notecard for your aircraft, and will be mentioned further below on this manual.

To receive your hud, type "Menu" while sitting in your aircraft. A menu will then apear. click Hud, and ejetion seat after, the plane will then send you both peices of equipment


Up - Moves your avatar up in its seat

Down - Moves your avatar down in its seat

HUD - Gives you a copy of the F-24 Hud

Missiles - Hide/Show extra missile pylons

Help NC - Gives note card with quick commands

Guest On/Off - Activates and Deactivates guest mode

Green/Gray/Camo - Interchangable Liveries


The HUD is essential for your flight and combat but once again, it is not required. We will go over what each button does.


Main Power - Starts/Stops the aircrafts engines

Lights ON/OFF - Aircraft Light Toggle

Mouse Steer - Allows you to fly with mouse in mouselook

Flysafe ON/OFF - Makes aircraft able to fly through skyboxes/full parcels (not available if vice is active)

Hold altitude - Maintain's altitude in flight

Copilot - Allows Co-pilot to control aircraft

GEARS - UP/DOWN - Extend/Retracts Gear

Fuel - Toggles fuel burn

Lock/Unlock - provents random strangers from sitting in your aircraft

Chat off - Deactivates chat reports

Vice On/off - Toggles Vice combat. Will ask which version of vice you would like to use

Payload 1-3 Cylces through weapon payloads

TCS ON/OFF - Toggles TCS combat

Autoarm Payload - makes mouse fire active weapon

Fire Flares - Manually drops flares

MIDS up/down - Toggles targetting map for JDAM and Maverick. click to set target then fire

DISPLY. - Toggles Heads up display

INSTR. - Toggles cockpit instruments

UP/DOWN - toggles hud up and down out of view

Green bar to the far left - heads up display brightness




Now that you understand your aircrafts surfaces and functions you are ready to fly. here are the keyboard buttons you will be using for your flight

Cycle Foward





Increase Throttle

Reduce Throttle

Note: holding "Shift" and pressing left or right will allow

you to straff

Cycle back

Fire Guns


1× 20 mm XM301  cannon


(air to air)


Payload 1: AIM-92 Stinger x2


(air to ground)


Payload 2: AGM-114 HellFire x2


Payload 3: Hydra 70 rockets x4

Text commands:

s - start/stop the aircraft

p - toggles hold current altitude

m - toggles Mouselook Steering On/Off

l - toggles lights On/Off

fs - FlySafe, makes the aircraft temporary and phantom (will fly over full parcels and through skyboxes)

chat - toggles the whisper chat from the chopper On/Off

copilot - switches flight controls to the copilot

pilot - switches flight controls back to the pilot

guest - Unlocks/locks the aircraft for everyone.

group - toggles groupmode on/off

eject - ejects copilot

lock/unlock - locks the copilot seat

menu - opens the menu options for seat adjustment , HUD and Commands NC and Guest mode.



c- toggles dynamic camera on/off.

c1 - view from tail

c2 - view from above

c3 - locks your cam into place.


VICE & TCS Weapons Systems:

vice on - activates VICE

vice off - deactivates VICE

tcs on - activates TCS

tcs off - deactivates TCS

ff- fires flares

fc - fires chaffs

p1 - activates air to air stinger missiles (Infra Red guided missiles, with active target lock)

p2 - activate air to ground Hellfire missilesHellfire missiles can be locked onto a coordinate by clicking on the MIDS Map and pressing the Fire Button

p3 - activates Hydra Rockets (dumb rockets without guidance)

Gun will rotate to your mouselook (only with VICE / with TCS will always shoot straight)

Gun will switch to the copilot when seated and switch back to the pilot when the copilot leaves the aircraft.

TCS does not use Missiles and gun rotation.



fuel - switches the fuel system on/off

refuel - will refuel your aircraft.


FInal notes:



Scripts by Tig Spijkers

Model by Kyo Cipher (Kev Barony)

Textures by Vexa Cipher (Gunshot Tearfall)


Thank you!



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